ANA SOUSA recognizes the importance of protecting your personal data, regardless of its nature. For this reason, we have developed a set of security measures aimed at protecting the data of all customers of ANA SOUSA stores and also of all those who visit
In this Privacy Policy, we explain who we are, what purpose we give to your data, how we treat it, with who we share it with and how long we keep it, as well as ways to contact us and exercise your rights. The user must carefully read our Privacy Policy, written in a clear and simple way, to facilitate their understanding and decide, freely and voluntarily, whether to provide their personal data to ANA SOUSA.
Therefore, the user guarantees that they’re of legal age and that the data communicated is true, accurate, complete and current, being responsible for any damage or loss, direct or indirect, that may arise as a result of the breach of such obligation. The user is obligated to communicate to ANA SOUSA, or to insert in their personal account, any change to the data provided herein. If the data communicated belongs to a third party, the user guarantees that they have informed that third party of the conditions set out in this document and that they have obtained their authorization to provide their data to ANA SOUSA, for the purposes indicated.
If you have any doubts about how we handle and protect your data, please contact us at